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To track data and calculate drop-off rates for each page of your multi-step form in Framer, you can connect your form with Google Analytics. In this quick guide we will show you how to set up Google Analytics for your multi-step form.
Create a multi-step form with FramerForms
If your form isn't already a multi-step form, create one with the multi-step form builder in FramerForms.
Install Google Analytics
If Google Analytics is already installed on your website, you can skip this step. If not, follow these steps to add it to your website using Framer's built-in Google Analytics integration:
Open Site Settings → General and scroll down to the Google Analytics section.
In the Google Analytics dashboard, click the search bar and search for "measurement id". One of the search results will show your Measurement ID with a copy button. Copy and paste the ID into the Google Analytics Measurement ID input in Framer.
Now Google Analytics 4 is installed on your website!
Add a custom event to your form
On the Multi-Step Form component, click "Analytics" to add an analytics integration. Next, write a custom event name. This custom event will be fired every time a new page is visited so you can track the number of visits to each form page and calculate drop-off rates.
The custom event's value is set to the name of the page layer (or if the page layer does not have a name, a page number like this: "Page 2").

Check your Google Analytics dashboard
To see the event in the GA4 dashboard
Press the "Reports" button in the sidebar on the left
Press "Engagement" in the list on the left
Press "Events" in the expanded Engagement list.
Scroll down and find the event name in the events table.
Click on the event to see more information and charts regarding the event.
Note: The event may take up to a day to appear in your dashboard because Google Analytics does not show information from the current day.