
What's New

Superfields Pagination Update

Georgia Back

Head of Operations

Georgia Back

Head of Operations

Jul 22, 2024

Superfields - Pagination Update

Hey Framer builders

We’re thrilled to bring you the latest update for Superfields!

Here’s what’s new:

🚀 Framer Pagination Integration

Superfields now fully supports Framer’s built-in pagination feature:

  • Load More & Infinite Scroll: Easily enable by clicking “Pagination” on the Collection List.

  • Previous & Next Buttons: Access these directly from the Superfields dashboard for streamlined navigation.

🆕 CMS Item Count Label

Introducing the CMS Item Count Label component:

  • Functionality: Displays the number of items in a CMS collection.

  • Customization: Modify font, color, formatting, prefix, and suffix to fit your design needs.

  • Connection: Link it to a CMS collection list to show total items, or connect to the Superfields component to display filtered and searched item counts.

🔧 Enhanced Collection Item Support

Framer's recent updates now allow for layers to be added before and after “Collection Item” in Collection Lists. Superfields optimizes this by:

  • Targeted Modifications: Pagination, filtering, component variants, and other changes are applied solely to collection items, ensuring other layers within the Collection List remain unaffected.

Quick Note! 📌

Remember, to get the new pagination updates and to ensure Superfields pagination works seamlessly with Framer, you just need to update your components in the assets menu, and you should be good to go!

If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out!

Happy building! 💪

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